I recently attended the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference in Black Mountain, NC.
My goal in attending this conference was to learn more about the craft of writing and gain constructive criticism on my writing and an upcoming speaking engagement on June 15th for Pendleton St Baptist Church in Greenville, SC.
Before the conference, I elected to take advantage of some paid critiques that helped to prepare and guide me regarding which sessions to attend and which presenters I should try to meet. One of the paid critiques encouraged me to pitch a project we had discussed.
But I did not feel ready to pitch.
Yet, I repeatedly received encouragement from those I met at the conference to talk to publishers or agents about my writing project.
I then prayed to the Lord that if this was a sign from Him, He would help me overcome my fear of pitching my idea.
How does Gen 24:14 support seeking signs from God?
Our study verse today has a servant boldly praying directly to the Lord of Abraham for a specific outcome.
Let the young woman to whom I shall say, ‘Please let down your jar that I may drink,’ and who shall say, ‘Drink, and I will water your camels’–let her be the one whom you have appointed for your servant Isaac. By this, I shall know that you have shown steadfast love to my master.” (Gen 24:14)
Abraham had requested his chief servant swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and earth, to get a wife for Isaac from Abraham’s native land. (See Gen 24:1-4).
The servant inquired if he should take Isaac to Abraham’s native land if the potential wife was unwilling to return with him. (See Gen 24:5).
In response, Abraham insists Isaac should not travel to Abraham’s native land and agrees to release the servant from the oath if the potential wife is unwilling. (See Gen 24:6 and 8).
Abraham also claims that the Lord of heaven will send his angel before the servant to accomplish the oath the servant is being asked to swear. (See Gen 24:7).
After swearing the oath to Abraham, the servant takes ten camels loaded with supplies to travel to the town of Nahor in Abraham’s native land. (See Gen 24:9-10).
Upon arriving at the water well outside the town of Nahor in the evening when women typically drew water, the servant prays to God, the Lord of heaven, requesting success in his sworn mission as kindness to his master Abraham. He also comments that it (See Gen 24:11-13).
The servant continues in prayer, requesting a bold sign from the Lord. Read Gen 24:14 again.
Let the young woman to whom I shall say, ‘Please let down your jar that I may drink,’ and who shall say, ‘Drink, and I will water your camels’–let her be the one whom you have appointed for your servant Isaac. By this I shall know that you have shown steadfast love to my master.” (Gen 24:14)
Reflection questions:
- Why did Abraham ask his servant to find a wife for Isaac? (Gen 24:1 and 7 and Who Helped You Choose Your Spouse).
- What was the servant concerned about before agreeing to swear the oath? (Gen 24:5).
- What assurance did Abraham give the servant about the mission? (Gen 24:8).
- What did the servant take with him? Why? (Gen 24:10).
Note: Victor P. Hamilton’s commentary, The Book of Genesis: Chapters 18-50, points out it would have taken the servant a minimum of a month to travel to Nahor. (See page 145 of the commentary).
- Why did the servant stop outside the town of Nahor? (Gen 24:11-14).
- Who was the servant concerned about honoring? (Gen 24:11-14).
- What qualities is the servant looking for in Isaac’s future wife? (Gen 24:11-14).
- Why are these qualities in a spouse of value to the servant? Abraham? Isaac? God? (Gen 24:11-14).
- How would you characterize Abraham’s servant? (Gen 24:1-14).
- How urgent is the servant’s prayer? (Gen 24:11-14).
Compare Judges 6:36-40 with Genesis 24:11-14.
- What is similar in these two passages?
- What is different in these two passages?
- When is it appropriate to pray in the fashion of Gideon or Abraham’s servant?
- When you prayed this way, what happened?
- Do you consider yourself a faithful servant like Abraham’s servant? Why or why not?
- How does Abraham’s servant inspire you to conduct yourself in your work? Marriage? Other relationships?
- How is God using Abraham’s servant and Abraham to provide for Isaac’s future?
- How does this passage impact your faith in God?
- What signs has God provided you along your own journey of faith?
Remember, Abraham’s servant had traveled about a month to reach Nahor after swearing the oath requested.
The details given from scripture tell us that Abraham’s servant was trusted, faithful, and diligent. Abraham’s servant was not just an employee of Abraham. He was a fellow believer in the Lord of heaven.
- Who has God placed in your life to function like Abraham’s servant?
- How will you thank them for their encouragement to you this week?
What about my prayer at the writer’s conference?
Remember, I had asked the Lord to help me overcome my fear and trepidation about making a pitch at the writer’s conference.
After this prayer, I followed through with pitching my project to a couple of publishers in attendance at the conference.
Much to my surprise, all expressed a desire to work with me.
Where this leads next remains to be seen.
Do I believe the Lord guided me through the encouragement of other writers, family, and friends?
Do I believe the Lord went ahead of me to prepare me to meet those who would be interested in my writing?
Again, yes!
Do I believe the Lord will use our daily circumstances to encourage us to seek His will and guidance for our next steps?
- What encouraging response to your prayers have you experienced?
Leave your answer in the comments.
Barbara Lynn