Honoring God Through Worship | Genesis 24: 26-27 and 48

bow down and worship

Genesis 24 is more than a simple story of how Isaac and Rebekah become husband and wife.

In fact, a significant portion of the chapter centers on Abraham’s servant.

Back in Genesis 15:2, before Isaac was born, we learn the name of Abraham’s chief servant is Eliezer. Abraham expresses to God his concern that he remains childless. As long as this continued, Eliezer would inherit Abraham’s estate.

Yet, Abraham did not remain childless. He received a child through his wife Sarah in their old age.

Following the death of Sarah, Abraham requests Eliezer take a special assignment.

What can we learn from Abraham’s chief servant about honoring God through worship?

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Respecting God Through Worship | Genesis 22:5


What first leaps to mind when you think of worship?

Merriam-Webster.com defines worship first as offering reverence to a divine being or supernatural power.

We can express this reverence through a worship service where praises, hymns, thanksgiving, teachings, and prayers are offered to a divine being or supernatural power in a group setting.

We can also worship in smaller group settings or individually.

A secondary definition reminds us we can worship any person or object we choose to offer extravagant respect, admiration, or devotion toward.

Consider the following examples Merriam-Webster.com used to illustrate this secondary definition.

  • A celebrity is worshipped by his or her fans.
  • There are those who worship the dollar.

What does this have to do with respecting God through worship and Genesis 22:5?

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Do You Enjoy God? (Part Two)

river and tree of life

Growing up, I recall the backyard of my parent’s home had several large oak trees and a maple tree. Also lining the edge of their property line and the start of the neighbor’s yard behind was a row of cottonwood trees.

I remember climbing both the maple tree and one of the cottonwood trees frequently.

Sometimes I climbed the trees to see how high I could get or as a hiding spot when playing hide and seek with neighboring kids.

I also recall times when I would go to the trees when I was hurting emotionally. Being hidden amongst the leaves and supported by the sturdy tree branches helped me feel safe in those moments.

Why all this talk about trees?

Today, we will study Psalm 1:3-4, which uses fruit tree imagery when describing a blessed or happy follower of God.

Continue reading “Do You Enjoy God? (Part Two)”

Are You Seeking God’s City?


There was a period in my life when I was reading through a variety of self-help books. 

Something was out of whack in my life, and I was trying to figure out what it was.

Then, two different people within the same week asked me to explain my faith to them.

I struggled to respond to their probing questions, which bothered me greatly.

My solution?

I picked up a one-year bible and immersed myself in scripture. If I was going to claim to be a follower of Christ, I felt this was the right next step.

Making this one decision began a transformation in my faith life. Although not always easy, this decision has proven more powerful and encouraging than any other pursuit in my life.

What does this have to do with Genesis 18, Hebrews 11, and seeking God’s city?

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God’s Faithfulness and Our Response


You may have learned in previous posts of mine that I read through a chronologically arranged Bible every year.

I have several reasons for doing this, but the primary reason is to know the Lord and learn how to live a life that honors and glorifies my creator.

The characters referred to in Hebrews 11:1-12 lived in a time that did not have the benefit of the written word of God. Yet, they are all held up as heroes of the faith.

Join me as we take a brief look at each of their lives to discern how their examples inform us of not just how we can be encouraged to respond to God in faith, but God’s faithfulness to us.

Continue reading “God’s Faithfulness and Our Response”

Do You Have an Intentional Father?

Intentional Father

Some of us know our biological fathers or grandfathers. Others do not.

Regardless of which camp you are in, would you describe your biological or other father figures as intentional?

An intention can simply be a determination to act in a certain way.

Intentions can be good or harmful. 

Which end of the spectrum would you place your father or father figure on regarding their intentionality? Mostly good? Mostly harmful? Other?

Did your father figure receive their intentional traits from their own father figure?

Continue reading “Do You Have an Intentional Father?”

Overcoming Deceit by Choosing God


Have you ever found yourself in a deceitful situation?

Sadly, most of us will probably say yes to that question.

Were you or someone else the one practicing the deceit?

Again, most of us, if we are truly honest, have experienced both being deceived and being the deceiver.

What motivated the deceit to occur?

Deceit occurs because we believe we have no other option to get or do something we want.

How can choosing God’s ways help us overcome deceitful situations?

Continue reading “Overcoming Deceit by Choosing God”

Too Dim to See Part Three


Have you ever experienced deception?

I have. More than once.

Ranging from practical jokes to outright cruelty, deception is something we all have or will encounter during our life journey.

How we react when a deception towards us is revealed often depends on the motives driving the deceiver.

If the deception was to keep us in the dark so that we can experience a surprise blessing from our family and friends, we might react with delight and joy.

When deception is dishonorable, though, our reaction might range from sadness to outright rage toward the deceiver.

Isaac, in Genesis 27, experienced deception by both his wife Rebekah and son Jacob.

Have you ever thought about Isaac’s reaction to this betrayal?

Continue reading “Too Dim to See Part Three”