Why Do People Worship God? |Exodus 4:31 | Part One


Answering the question of why people worship God seems both simple and complex.

The primary definition of worship is to honor or show reverence for a divine being or supernatural power.

But this definition implies that there are multiple potential divine beings or supernatural powers to choose from.

Further, the secondary definition reveals that worship may be directed toward other humans or physical objects.

The primary definition of God, according to Merriam-Webster.com, is the supreme or ultimate reality who is perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness and the creator ruler of the universe.

Yet, secondary definitions mention god as a being or object that has more than natural attributes and powers, one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality, a person or thing of supreme value, or a powerful ruler.

How can Exodus 4:31 help us unravel this simple yet complex question of why people worship God?

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Honoring God Through Worship | Genesis 24: 26-27 and 48

bow down and worship

Genesis 24 is more than a simple story of how Isaac and Rebekah become husband and wife.

In fact, a significant portion of the chapter centers on Abraham’s servant.

Back in Genesis 15:2, before Isaac was born, we learn the name of Abraham’s chief servant is Eliezer. Abraham expresses to God his concern that he remains childless. As long as this continued, Eliezer would inherit Abraham’s estate.

Yet, Abraham did not remain childless. He received a child through his wife Sarah in their old age.

Following the death of Sarah, Abraham requests Eliezer take a special assignment.

What can we learn from Abraham’s chief servant about honoring God through worship?

Continue reading “Honoring God Through Worship | Genesis 24: 26-27 and 48”

Respecting God Through Worship | Genesis 22:5


What first leaps to mind when you think of worship?

Merriam-Webster.com defines worship first as offering reverence to a divine being or supernatural power.

We can express this reverence through a worship service where praises, hymns, thanksgiving, teachings, and prayers are offered to a divine being or supernatural power in a group setting.

We can also worship in smaller group settings or individually.

A secondary definition reminds us we can worship any person or object we choose to offer extravagant respect, admiration, or devotion toward.

Consider the following examples Merriam-Webster.com used to illustrate this secondary definition.

  • A celebrity is worshipped by his or her fans.
  • There are those who worship the dollar.

What does this have to do with respecting God through worship and Genesis 22:5?

Continue reading “Respecting God Through Worship | Genesis 22:5”

Do You Have an Intentional Father?

Intentional Father

Some of us know our biological fathers or grandfathers. Others do not.

Regardless of which camp you are in, would you describe your biological or other father figures as intentional?

An intention can simply be a determination to act in a certain way.

Intentions can be good or harmful. 

Which end of the spectrum would you place your father or father figure on regarding their intentionality? Mostly good? Mostly harmful? Other?

Did your father figure receive their intentional traits from their own father figure?

Continue reading “Do You Have an Intentional Father?”

Overcoming Deceit by Choosing God


Have you ever found yourself in a deceitful situation?

Sadly, most of us will probably say yes to that question.

Were you or someone else the one practicing the deceit?

Again, most of us, if we are truly honest, have experienced both being deceived and being the deceiver.

What motivated the deceit to occur?

Deceit occurs because we believe we have no other option to get or do something we want.

How can choosing God’s ways help us overcome deceitful situations?

Continue reading “Overcoming Deceit by Choosing God”

When Prosperity Brings Envy

water well

Prosperity is the condition of being successful or thriving.

We derive success from a favorable or desired outcome, often involving the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence.

Success or prosperity characterizes thriving

As a result, we typically consider prosperity a positive situation.

Yet, prosperity for one person or people group can stir envy from those who are nearby.

Envy is a painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage or to cause pain, injury, or distress to the one envied.

Join me in looking at Genesis 26:14-16, when Isaac’s prosperity brought envy to the Philistines.

Continue reading “When Prosperity Brings Envy”

Responding to Someone’s Lie


How do you respond when you discover someone lied to you?

Years ago, my sister and I received two female kittens from our grandparent’s farm to take to our home. My sister named the all-white kitten Cinderella. I named the calico kitten Charlie. But after enjoying them at our home for a short amount of time, we returned them to the farm. I do not remember why.

We would regularly visit the farm and call out for Cinderella and Charlie, seeing them scamper toward us.

I do not recall how much time had passed until one day she and I were sitting on the fence calling for the two cats when my sister suddenly blurted out a tractor had run Charlie over months ago.

My sister further revealed that everyone had been lying to me about this for some time.

How do you think I responded?

What does this have to do with Gen 26:9-11?

Continue reading “Responding to Someone’s Lie”