
Consider the following synonyms for the word laugh:

Synonyms: Verb

Synonyms: Noun

  • How many of these synonyms describe your laughing tendencies?
  • What triggers your laughter?
  • Have you ever responded with laughter when God speaks to you?
Continue reading “HE LAUGHS”



For as long as I can remember, something inside of me wants to immediately prove people wrong when I they tell me no.

Especially if it is about something I deeply want or believe I can accomplish.

I have observed that a no response challenges most people.

Humans are not alone in this response.

Our eldest cat is quite brazen that no is an unacceptable response for her desires. Hissing, growling, meowing, and pouting in addition to repeated attempts to get what she wants are the normal response from her when told no. Giggling.

And our current dog comes toward us with a bewildered “why not?” expression on her face when told no. We realize it is not because she is stubborn or brazen like the cat though. She genuinely does not understand why usually. Giggling again.

But what about when God says no?

Continue reading “WHEN GOD SAYS NO”



I enjoyed a snow day on Sunday, January 16th.

Living in South Carolina snow is a rare treat for this Midwesterner.

Because snow days are so rare in this area our city shuts down except for emergency workers and those dealing with any power outages that occur.

Thankfully, my household never lost power. We were able to enjoy watching the snow fall from the safety of our warm home.

I chose to not work on a post yesterday because I wanted to cherish the snow day.

Today, as the winter storm has finished dusting the earth with this fascinating white frozen water and the sun is starting to melt it away, I decided to share with you some favorite references to snow from scripture.

Continue reading “SNOW DAY!”



Have you been making lists recently?

What kinds of lists?

Do you write your lists down or just think about them in your head?

Or do you use a computer program or other fancy technology for making lists?

Are some lists more important than others that you make? Why or why not?

Or are you someone who eschews making lists of any kind?

What does making lists have to do with Bible study?

Continue reading “MAKING LISTS”

O Christmas Tree: Part Three


A Sublime Lesson

Spending time pondering the meaning of a familiar Christmas carol, O Christmas Tree, has revealed a depth of meaning to this tree song previously overlooked.

In everyday conversations I seldom hear the word sublime used.

The first definition of sublime is: lofty, grand, or exalted in thought, expression, or manner.

Lesson, though, is frequently used in a variety of ways.

But did you know that the first definition of the word lesson is: a passage from sacred writings read in a service worship?

Why does verse three of O Christmas Tree use these two words?

Continue reading “O Christmas Tree: Part Three”

Christmas Tree: Part Two


Last week we learned the first verse of the carol O Christmas Tree is celebrating the birth of the Christ child we as Christians are named after.

The tree we use to celebrate this birth by decorating it and singing about reminds us of the loyalty our Heavenly Father has demonstrated by sending Christ.

The color of this tree reinforces our hope in our Heavenly Father who has brought to fulfillment promises made concerning the arrival of the Christ child.

What can we learn from verse two of O Christmas Tree?

Continue reading “Christmas Tree: Part Two”

O Christmas Tree: Part One


I have pointed out before the intention of God’s landscaping the earth to bring us and himself pleasure. Writing now in the month of December our American culture is busy setting up trees and decorating them in our homes, work, and public places. We also decorate doors, windows, mantles, etc. with fresh greenery (or imitation!)  Have you ever wondered why we do this? What is all the fuss about dragging trees and greenery out to decorate in honor of Christmas and singing O Tannenbaum (O Christmas Tree for English speaking people)?

Continue reading “O Christmas Tree: Part One”


prayer guidance
  • When have you been speechless?
  • Was it a positive or negative reason that left you speechless?

Commonly, we think of speechless moments resulting from something that has suddenly happened to us, whether good or bad.

  • But what about those times when we have experienced something for an extended period and find ourselves speechless and uncertain how to proceed?
  • And what about those times someone we know is struggling or something has happened across the city, state, nation, or globe, and we find ourselves speechless?

Those times can feel much like the vantage point of the person outside the maze in the picture above.

Not knowing which words to speak, we hesitate and linger just outside of the maze, hoping for someone, something, anything, to illuminate our mind with the correct words and choice of direction

  • Does the Bible yield any encouragement or insight for these times of speechless uncertainty?
Continue reading “SPEECHLESS”