Why Did God Choose Gideon?


I have fond memories of the wheat fields in Kansas.

Watching the swaying of the stalks in the wind is quite mesmerizing.

Although I spent time on my grandparent’s farm, I have never harvested wheat.

I recall a picture taken of me with my grandfather on his combine, but I never actually did any farming work.

Why am I talking about harvesting wheat?

It is what Gideon was doing when God called him to lead the Israelites.

What was it about Gideon that made him the right choice?

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Resolving Miscommunication in Worship


Have you ever misunderstood another person’s actions?

I know I have.

Conversely, has anyone ever misunderstood your actions?

Yep, I have experienced this too.

These situations can cause brokenness in our interpersonal relationships.

On a much larger scale, it can cause rifts between larger people groups and even nations.

Worse yet, miscommunication has the potential to destroy unity in worship.

Joshua 22 helps us understand the importance of communicating clearly with each other.

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Communal Responsibility in Worship

Communal Responsibility in Worship

How would you define communal responsibility in worship?

According to Merriam-Webster.com,

  • A community is defined as a unified body of individuals.
  • Responsibility involves answering for one’s conduct or obligations.
  • To worship is to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion a divine being.

So, a communal responsibility in worship could be described as a unified body of individuals answering for each other’s conduct to show great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion to a divine being.

But what does that look like in actual practice for the Israelites in the book of Deuteronomy? And us today?

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Removing the Distractions from Worshiping God


Recently I opted to work on my writing at a local cafe.

I thought it would be okay since the cafe had Wi-Fi and many of the research resources I use are now available online.

Plus, several friends of mine who are writers love to work at cafes or shared work spaces.

But it was too distracting for me.

Hearing orders called out, seeing a father play with his son out in the courtyard, and some odd technical difficulties made my writing experience frustrating.

I now know for certain that my home office space is the best place to work on my writing.

This does not mean I never get distracted at home. I do.

But I have more control over my home office space than I do in a public space.

How does this relate to the need to remove distractions from worshiping God?

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Reasons to Worship God


Have you given any consideration to why you worship God?

What reasons would you share with others for worshiping God?

Do the reasons vary depending on whom you are sharing with? If so, why?

Or perhaps you came across this post because you have never worshiped God and are curious why others do.

The primary definition of the word worship is to honor or show reverence to a divine being or supernatural power.

Here, I am writing about the God of the ancient Israelites whom Christians also worship today.

I believe the most accurate source to learn the reasons to worship God comes from God himself in the Bible.

Today, we will explore the reasons God himself provided to the ancient Israelites for worshiping Him in Deuteronomy 11:1-20.

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Remember Not to Forget | Deuteronomy 8:1-20

Remember Not to Forget the Lord

Do you know the name of the flowers in the picture above?

Yep, Forget-Me-Nots.

I found some interesting German lore stories on farmersalmanc.com. These stories about knights, maidens, and forget-me-nots are both sweet and bitter.

Farmersalmanc.com also stated that these flowers are prolific bloomers between May and October in my region. Traditionally, these flowers symbolize true love, respect, fidelity, and faithfulness based on those German lore stories mentioned above.

But forget-me-not flower lore and symbolism aside, today we will consider the value of remembering not to forget the LORD as we study Deuteronomy 8:1-20.

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Fueling the Worship Response


What is your first thought when you think about fuel?

Gasoline or electricity is a typical fuel that enables vehicles to get us from point to point.

Wood is an excellent fuel for a campfire.

Physically, we use food as fuel to nourish and sustain our bodies.

But there are other fuels to consider.

For example, Exodus 12:27 ends with the phrase, “And the people bowed their heads and worshiped.”

What fueled this worship response?

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Why Do People Worship God? |Exodus 4:31 | Part Two

I’m back!

In Why Do People Worship God? | Exodus 4:31 | Part One, we considered the primary and secondary definitions of both the word worship and God using Merriam-Webster.com.

We then reviewed how the stage was set in Genesis 15:12-14 and how the plot developed from Genesis 41:41-43 through Exodus 4:17 before the people in Exodus 4:31 responded to the news Moses and Aaron presented to them by worshipping God.

Today, we will continue our study of Exodus 4, seeking to gain insight into why people worship God.

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Why Do People Worship God? |Exodus 4:31 | Part One


Answering the question of why people worship God seems both simple and complex.

The primary definition of worship is to honor or show reverence for a divine being or supernatural power.

But this definition implies that there are multiple potential divine beings or supernatural powers to choose from.

Further, the secondary definition reveals that worship may be directed toward other humans or physical objects.

The primary definition of God, according to Merriam-Webster.com, is the supreme or ultimate reality who is perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness and the creator ruler of the universe.

Yet, secondary definitions mention god as a being or object that has more than natural attributes and powers, one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality, a person or thing of supreme value, or a powerful ruler.

How can Exodus 4:31 help us unravel this simple yet complex question of why people worship God?

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