What is Essential?


How Do You Define What is Essential?

This past week a homeless gentleman came into my workplace and shared a bit of his story with me. This gentleman had spent the previous day sleeping in the rain and had no food or money. Have you considered how all the restrictions for COVID-19 have impacted those who may be homeless in your area? What about the non-profits in your area that help to meet the needs of the homeless such as soup kitchens and shelters?

A friend and coworker of mine is no longer at work due to battling a recent diagnosis of cancer. Have you considered what medical treatments one might normally receive are no longer deemed essential? Have you considered that people who are permitted to have a medical treatment may not be allowed to have a family member in the waiting room with them?

Have you struggled during the last few months to get what you deem essential for your daily life?

What is essential?

Continue reading “What is Essential?”



Processing Heartbreak

What in your life has caused you to experience heartbreak?

As I write this blog post I am waiting for an update on the status of my 99-year-old grandmother who is in her final hours of life on this earth. If things were “normal” across the globe I would have already boarded a plane to travel 1200 some miles to be with her and other family members. But with COVID-19 restrictions in place my family is having to process heartbreak isolated from each other.

Interestingly, this week’s study  involves a call to process heartbreak.

Continue reading “Heartbreak”