Ezekiel 3:1-3 | Are You Eating God’s Word?

Ezekiel Bread

Every year, as a part of my daily time alone with the Lord, I use a chronological arrangement of scripture to read through the Bible.

I use this reading format to reinforce my grasp of the historical timeline.

This year I am copying into a journal the verses that intrigue me as I read through each day’s portion.

My reading this week prompted me to copy down the following instructions from the Lord to the prophet Ezekiel:

And he said to me, “Son of man, eat whatever you find here. Eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.” So I opened my mouth, and he gave me this scroll to eat. And he said to me, “Son of man, feed your belly with this scroll that I give you and fill your stomach with it.” Then I ate it, and it was in my mouth as sweet as honey. [1]

Why is the Lord asking Ezekiel to eat a scroll?

Continue reading “Ezekiel 3:1-3 | Are You Eating God’s Word?”

Jeremiah 7:23-26 |Are You Listening to God?


As I type this, I hear a variety of sounds.

  • The gurgle of my pet’s water bowl fountain in the next room.
  • A fan drying out a recently cleaned carpet spot. (Yes, a pet was the culprit!)
  • A neighbor’s car door slamming shut.
  • The clicking of my computer keyboard.
  • The occasional sound of kids playing outside.
  • And my breathing.

These are easy sounds to identify.

But what does it mean to listen to God and how do we do it?

Continue reading “Jeremiah 7:23-26 |Are You Listening to God?”

If Anyone Asks You


What leaps to mind when you hear someone begin a sentence with, “If anyone asks you”?

Obviously, when someone starts a sentence with that series of words, more instructions are about to follow.

Back in 2009, I had just started my first day of a two-week temporary assignment as a receptionist at a church.

Within the first hour of my temporary assignment, the senior pastor called the staff into a meeting. Meanwhile, being a temp, I remained at my post. As the staff came out of this unexpected meeting, I realized they had received upsetting news. Many were crying as they walked past the reception area to return to their offices.

My manager came and shared with me the news that the person whose role I was covering had stage four cancer and would most likely not return to work. She then proceeded with a version of “if anyone asks you” instruction on how to respond to questions that might come from church members as word of this spread.

This was a tremendous help to me in that unexpected situation. She coached me to be truthful while still protecting the privacy of the person. 

Jesus once coached two of his disciples to respond to an “if anyone asks you” question for a specific situation.

Continue readingIf Anyone Asks You

What Are you Joyfully Celebrating? Part Three

driveway fellowship

Recently my husband and I have hosted some driveway firepit nights. 

The most recent time was on Thanksgiving evening. We prepared a traditional thanksgiving meal but shared it around a driveway firepit instead of a formal table setting. It was a relaxing and simple time of joyful celebration with our friends who joined us.

One of our neighbors even came over to join in the fun for a bit.

Our conversations flowed easily as we enjoyed the warmth of the flames, the succor of the savory foods, and the fellowship in a laid-back setting.

How does this relate to this series of considering what we are joyfully celebrating this holiday season?

Continue reading “What Are you Joyfully Celebrating? Part Three”



I enjoyed a snow day on Sunday, January 16th.

Living in South Carolina snow is a rare treat for this Midwesterner.

Because snow days are so rare in this area our city shuts down except for emergency workers and those dealing with any power outages that occur.

Thankfully, my household never lost power. We were able to enjoy watching the snow fall from the safety of our warm home.

I chose to not work on a post yesterday because I wanted to cherish the snow day.

Today, as the winter storm has finished dusting the earth with this fascinating white frozen water and the sun is starting to melt it away, I decided to share with you some favorite references to snow from scripture.

Continue reading “SNOW DAY!”

Christmas Tree: Part Two


Last week we learned the first verse of the carol O Christmas Tree is celebrating the birth of the Christ child we as Christians are named after.

The tree we use to celebrate this birth by decorating it and singing about reminds us of the loyalty our Heavenly Father has demonstrated by sending Christ.

The color of this tree reinforces our hope in our Heavenly Father who has brought to fulfillment promises made concerning the arrival of the Christ child.

What can we learn from verse two of O Christmas Tree?

Continue reading “Christmas Tree: Part Two”



What comes to mind when you hear or read the word forever?

Does a person, place or thing come to mind?

Or a combination?

Do you consider forever to be a serious promise with serious consequences if not upheld?

Or do you think forever is something we are incapable of comprehending?

Why and how does the Bible, and Joel 3:20 in particular, use the word forever?

Continue reading “FOREVER”