Several years ago, I developed plantar fasciitis.
I had been pushing myself with lots of walking prior to going on a cruise trip with my husband’s family.
On the last full day of the cruise, my husband and I walked over ten miles in one day.
When I stood up after the evening meal, I could not put any weight on my left foot.
I was still limping the next day when we had to navigate getting off the ship and through the airports to return home.
Once we were finally home and I elevated my feet, I realized both feet were in pain.
For the next three years, I lived in tennis shoes because of this injury. Going barefoot was excruciating.
Thankfully, over time and with a commitment to wearing good shoes and plenty of stretching exercises, I have only occasional flare-ups.
Are you wondering why I’m talking about my crippled feet on a Bible study blog?
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