
Consider the following synonyms for the word laugh:

Synonyms: Verb

Synonyms: Noun

  • How many of these synonyms describe your laughing tendencies?
  • What triggers your laughter?
  • Have you ever responded with laughter when God speaks to you?
Continue reading “HE LAUGHS”

Christmas Tree: Part Two


Last week we learned the first verse of the carol O Christmas Tree is celebrating the birth of the Christ child we as Christians are named after.

The tree we use to celebrate this birth by decorating it and singing about reminds us of the loyalty our Heavenly Father has demonstrated by sending Christ.

The color of this tree reinforces our hope in our Heavenly Father who has brought to fulfillment promises made concerning the arrival of the Christ child.

What can we learn from verse two of O Christmas Tree?

Continue reading “Christmas Tree: Part Two”



Does rain bring you joy?

The boy in the picture above is clearly full of joy thanks to the rain falling around him.

He gets to splash around in the puddles and watch the droplets explode up and fall back down again.

He also gets to hear the rain pitter patting against his umbrella and everything around him.

Do you remember playing in the rain as a kid?

What other reasons can you think of that might spark the joy of rain in our hearts?

Continue reading “THE JOY OF RAIN”

What is Joy?


Losing Joy During Difficult Times

Given current events in May 2020 many have expressed losing joy during these difficult times. Instead they are experiencing fear as their primary emotion.

Joel 1:12 also speaks about losing joy during difficult times. It describes a time when the entire nation of Judah’s joy dried up.

Continue reading “What is Joy?”