Are You Seeking God’s City?


There was a period in my life when I was reading through a variety of self-help books. 

Something was out of whack in my life, and I was trying to figure out what it was.

Then, two different people within the same week asked me to explain my faith to them.

I struggled to respond to their probing questions, which bothered me greatly.

My solution?

I picked up a one-year bible and immersed myself in scripture. If I was going to claim to be a follower of Christ, I felt this was the right next step.

Making this one decision began a transformation in my faith life. Although not always easy, this decision has proven more powerful and encouraging than any other pursuit in my life.

What does this have to do with Genesis 18, Hebrews 11, and seeking God’s city?

Continue reading “Are You Seeking God’s City?”

God’s Faithfulness and Our Response


You may have learned in previous posts of mine that I read through a chronologically arranged Bible every year.

I have several reasons for doing this, but the primary reason is to know the Lord and learn how to live a life that honors and glorifies my creator.

The characters referred to in Hebrews 11:1-12 lived in a time that did not have the benefit of the written word of God. Yet, they are all held up as heroes of the faith.

Join me as we take a brief look at each of their lives to discern how their examples inform us of not just how we can be encouraged to respond to God in faith, but God’s faithfulness to us.

Continue reading “God’s Faithfulness and Our Response”