While I was still in my undergraduate studies, I was busy practicing secrecy.
The reason I was practicing secrecy resulted from a desire along with my siblings to plan a surprise 25th anniversary party for our parents.
We decided the best way to keep our parents unaware of the party would be to secretly invite extra guests to a party our parents had already planned to host for family on the 4th of July.
Their wedding anniversary is near that date, so this was a great cover in our minds.
Since I lived the closest to our parents, I was tasked with sneaking photos out of their house to put together a photo album and manage the secret invite responses.
My siblings and I were practicing secrecy because we intended to bless and honor our parents.
We all laugh about how our parents hosted their own 25th wedding anniversary surprise!
And yes, I especially receive some ribbing because of frequently calling them before the party to say I had invited some more friends that they had to feed. 😊
The reward for practicing secrecy in this case is we did bless our parents, family, and friends with a great memory to share with each other in celebration of their marriage.
Did you know practicing secrecy is also encouraged by Jesus in Matthew 6:6?
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