Finding Our Identity Through a Jealous God

What do you see when you look into a mirror or other reflective surface?

Often, images like the one above of the kitten seeing a reflection of a lion are used to encourage self-esteem or bravado in our own identity.

But what if, instead of looking to boost our self-esteem or bravado, we sought our identity through the reflection of the LORD?

Further, what if we considered finding our identity through the reflection of the LORD’s self-revealed identity as a jealous God?

What does the LORD even mean by describing Himself with the name Jealous?

How would that help us in our daily lives?

Join me in exploring Exodus 33:10-17 and other verses for answers to these questions.

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Responding to Who God Says He Is

Moses’ life was not ordinary.

First, against the Egyptian Pharoah’s edict, his mother hid Moses for three months after his birth. (Exodus 1:22-2:2)

Then Pharoah’s daughter ends up adopting Moses and raising him with the help of Moses’ mother. (Exodus 2:3-10)

After Moses becomes an adult, he murders an Egyptian for beating an Israelite and attempts to hide his actions. (Exodus 2:11-12)

Yet the Lord called Moses to be His spokesperson to reveal Himself to the Israelites and all the other nations around the world. (Exodus 3:1-22)

After much back and forth in this private encounter with the Lord, Moses asks the Lord to send someone else. (Exodus 4:13)

But over time, Moses’ response to God changed.

The question is, why did Moses’ response change?

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